Jersey Healer Chick For Natural health and healing

Naturopathic Consults

Applied Kinesiology

Colon Hydrotherapy

Energy Shift Healing

Trauma Therapy

Spiritual Consults



Welcome to Jersey Healer Chick, We are dedicated to the promotion of truth and universal knowledge, the prevention of dis-ease, as well as providing the most effective “energy techniques” and “alternative” technology advancements. We provide health consultations, information, products and services to those who are interested in the natural health methods. If you have been through traditional medical care and are still not getting real healing solutions, then give the alternative medicine experts at Jersey Healer Chick an opportunity to be of help.

Our mission is to serve those in need of alternative health options, as well as providing quality products and services at a reasonable cost. We are confident that you will find our services and products beneficial, effective, unique and quite amazing.

This site will be continually updated as we bring more information, services and products on board. Please click the therapies available link above to see what therapies may apply to your personal and specific situation.

Feel free to call or email us your scheduling requests, questions and comments. If we cannot get to your call at that time, then we are most likely with a client and will return your call as soon as we can. It's a good idea to leave your phone number on your voicemail. We hope you will enjoy surfing through our  entire website. Much to learn on both the site and in person! Jai Guru Dev.